Anaconda Equipment is a world leader in the screening and stockpiling of materials for use in various Aggregate industries including sand, gravel, crushed stone, slag and recycled concrete throughout the globe. Our machinery is robust and specifically designed to deal with all types of product making them very adaptable.

With increasing legislative and regulatory factors dictating ever changing applications, Anaconda has dedicated itself to be at the forefront of Waste and Recycling Innovation. Throughout the years we have gathered a wealth of knowledge that we want to share in order to help our dealers and end users.

Anaconda’s range of compact, high performance screens and stockpiling machinery are at home in difficult applications. This makes our machinery a perfect accompaniment to the organic sector! We work with various industries within the organic sector including – Green Waste, Compost, Mulch, Wood chip etc. Designed to suit difficult applications such as wet or contaminated product our screens allow for optimum productivity.

Highly portable, robust and compact. The Anaconda range has the ability to work in the most demanding locations and conditions. We help our customers process natural resources in quarrying and mining applications where durability and operational footprint are of key concerns. With the capability to move around easily our machinery also gives an advantage in applications where static operations just will not work.

Compact and aggressive. Anaconda Equipment have forged a reputation as the go-to industry experts. From tight fitting urban settings where operational footprint is key due to confined spaces and legislation to large scale projects where maneuverability and transportation between is of the upmost importance.

Anaconda markets, sells and distributes all products and spares via a dedicated dealer network worldwide. Each Dealer provides a professional, competitive and supportive service to all customers within their country/Region. Most dealers carry a stock of equipment for immediate delivery as well as a generous stock of spare parts in order to provide immediate response to any breakdown situation.